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Sample Booster Club Meeting Minutes

by Jim Connelly, founder of BoosterSpark

booster club leadership education information

Meeting minutes are a high level summary of what took place at a meeting. They are not a transcript of everything said in a meeting. Minutes should only summarize major points of a meeting relative to the board’s actions and decisions. Meeting minutes:

Do's and Don'ts:

These are some of the things board secretaries should leave out of board meeting minutes:

Common mistakes in taking board meeting minutes:

When applicable, record:

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[Booster Club Name] Meeting Minutes
Date: [Date]
Time: [Time]
Location: [Location]

Board or Voting Members Present:
  • [Name of Attendee 1], [Name of Attendee 2], [Name of Attendee 3], [Name of Attendee 4], [Name of Attendee 5]
Board or Voting Members Absent:
  • [Name of Absentee 1], [Name of Absentee 2]
Guests: (optional)
  • [Name of Guest 1], [Name of Guest 2]
Quorum [is/is not] present.

Meeting called to order at [Time].

  1. Welcome and Opening Remarks
    • The meeting was called to order by [Name of President].
    • [Name of President] welcomed all attendees and thanked them for their continued support.
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
    • The minutes of the previous meeting held on [Date] were reviewed and approved without any objections.
  3. Treasurer's Report
    • [Name of Treasurer] provided a financial update.
    • Current balance: $[Amount].
    • Discussion on upcoming expenses and fundraising activities.
  4. Committee Reports
    • Membership Committee:
      • [Name of Committee Chair] reported on current membership numbers ([number] new, [number] total members).
      • Encouragement for all to recruit new members.
    • Sponsorship Committee:
      • [Name of Committee Chair] reported on current sponsorship numbers ([number] new, [number] total members).
      • New sponsors include [Name of Sponsors].
      • Encouragement for all to recruit new sponsors.
    • Spirit Wear Committee:
      • [Name of Committee Chair] discussed recent sales efforts and results.
      • Volunteer sign-ups for events were discussed.
    • Fundraising Committee:
      • [Name of Committee Chair] reported on recent fundraising efforts.
      • Upcoming fundraisers discussed, including [Event/Activity].
      • Volunteers needed for [Event/Activity].
    • Event Planning Committee:
      • [Name of Committee Chair] discussed upcoming events, including [Event 1] and [Event 2].
      • Volunteer sign-ups for events were discussed.
    • Other Committees (if applicable):
      • [Name of Committee Chair] reported on [Committee Activities].
  5. Old Business
    • Discussion on previously raised issues:
      • [Old Business Item 1]
      • [Old Business Item 2]
  6. New Business
    • [New Business Item 1]
      • Discussion on [New Business Item 1].
      • Decision: [Decision Outcome].
    • [New Business Item 2]
      • Discussion on [New Business Item 2].
      • Decision: [Decision Outcome].
  7. Announcements
    • [Announcement 1]
    • [Announcement 2]
  8. Open Floor
    • Attendees were given the opportunity to raise any additional concerns or questions.
  9. Next Meeting
    • The next meeting will be held on [Date] at [Location].
  10. Adjournment
    • Meeting adjourned at [Time].

Respectfully submitted,
[Name of Secretary]
[Booster Club Name] Secretary

Approved by:
[Name of President]
[Booster Club Name] President

[Date of Approval]

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