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User Permissions

Booster Club User Permissions
  • Grant account access to fellow board members & coordinators
  • Easily remove access on a person-by-person basis
  • No need to share one login
  • Team Managers (coaches, team parents, etc) can "own" a portion of the website and keep it fresh, current
Booster Club User Permissions

Booster clubs can add board members, coordinators, and team managers as needed. Rather than share one password among many users, every user gets their own login credentials. This approach means (A) you'll know who made the most recent edit on data, and (B) you won't have to change your password when someone else leaves the team. It's easy to assign user permissions: simply enter their email address, name, and permission level. When you do, we will send them a welcome email with instructions. You can also change permission levels on any user, and remove any user at any time.

Features & Functions:
  • Grant account access to fellow board members & coordinators
  • Team Managers (coaches, team parents, etc) can "own" a portion of the website and keep it fresh, current
  • Assign Administrators (full access)
  • Assign Coordinators (partial access)
  • Assign Team Managers (partial access)
More Features
Book a demo with our Founder/CEO

See BoosterSpark's capabilities and learn how it can help maximize your club's success. Schedule a live, personalized, behind-the-scenes demonstration of our acclaimed Club Manager tool led by our founder, Jim Connelly.

Ask questions, get answers, see capabilities, and meet a fellow booster club leader who is driven to make it easier to run a successful booster club.

There is no sales pitch, no pressure to buy. Click the calendar to schedule your product tour now.

Free Guide #1
booster club membership guide
Of all the ways a booster club can fundraise, memberships can be the easiest way to raise a huge amount of money with minimal labor. You don't need a ton of volunteers, and you don't need to spend a lot of money.
Free Guide #2
booster club sponsorship guide
No other fundraising effort can generate more return on investment than a well designed sponsorship program. Learn how to design and sell lucrative sponsorship plans, and who will buy them.
More Info
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